rustic trails for rustic riders... Stonehouse Trails ‘To ride or not to ride?  What a stupid question!’  ~Brandy Michelle ‘There is something  about the outside of a  horse that is good for  the inside of a man’.  ~Winston Churchill ‘The world is  best  viewed through  the ears  of a horse’. ~Unknown Our Philosophy

…so we want to share  the best thing of all, the immense enjoyment that comes from the simplicity and tranquility of just you, your horse, wide open space, and time that stands still.

We get it.   We’ve been there!

I’m Carol and along with my husband Steve, we’ve had two lifetimes of horse experience spanning the globe.

From the starting gate to the show ring. From steeplechasing to the polo fields. From working cattle  to the thrill of fox hunting, its been an amazing journey!

We’re now retired and lucky to have found this beautiful part of the country to settle in …